About the Department

The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering offers course on Analog and Digital electronics, Microwave Engg., Radar Engg. and Antenna Engg. Microprocessor and peripherals, Computer Communication and Networking. The course structure provide unique blend of s/w skills along with the hardware skills. The student aquires proficiency in many programming language ( like BASIC, FORTRAN, C, C++, Java, Dot Net, HTML and many more… Stress is given on subject like Microprocessor, Programming Methodology, Signal Proceon ssing, Computer Architecture and Orgenization, Data Communication, Networking and Semiconductor Physics.With the changing face of communication , ample stress has been given on subject like Digital communication and Mobile Communication along with sound theoretical knowledge. Rigorous practical session provides students with all the necessary skills which help them cope up with the requirements of the industry and the recent advancement in the field.